Mink Hair Weave Shipment Method & Payment Method.
When you place an order, you may be worried about how long it takes for the hair to come to hand.
1. FedEx. We will choose the suitable one for you.
2. Orders will be shipped within 48hours.
(Orders are typically processed and shipped on the same business day if you order before 5pm (Chinese Time GMP+8), Otherwise on the next business day.)
3. Delivery Time: USA, Canada 2-4 Business Days; Europe 2-4 Business Days; Africa 3-7 Business Days.
As regards the delivery time for other countries, please consult customer service. We are able to delivery the package to all over the world.
4. Shipment doesn't accept any address with PO. Box
5. Please Ensure Your Address Is Correct.
Through PayPal Checkout, you can pay with credit card, debit card, associated bank account balance.
Once your order is submitted, you will be redirected to PayPal's page where you could make the payment.
1) Login to your PayPal account
2) Enter your Card Details the order will be shipped to your PayPal address. and click Submit.
3) Your Payment will be processed and a receipt will be sent to your email inbox.
NOTE: Your order will be shipped to your PayPal address. Ensure you have chosen or entered the correct delivery address.
2. Wise
3. Western Union
4. PayPal Invoice